Recomendaciones y consejos para los padres y madres de las personas con SD
Only fill in if you are not human
Zainika Jagasia was born with #DownSyndrome, but that didn’t stop her from achieving her goals. At 19, she is a professional #baker, an aspiring...
Es posible ser bilingüe teniendo síndrome de Down. Mi hija, Valentina Guerrero (@BraveWarriorVG) habla clara y fluidamente en inglés y español. Si...
Il lavoro è un diritto per tutti, anche per le persone con disabilità. In Italia, la legge 68 del 1999 garantisce l’inserimento lavorativo anc...
It”s hard to believe that it”s finally happening. Our baby girl has started PRESCHOOL! We still can”t believe it. We are excited for...