Learn about Down Syndrome Austalia – the national voice of people with Down syndrome in Australia....
The Down Syndrome Resource Foundation’s new Sustainability Ambassador, Nika Zondag, sat down with us to share why she is so passionate about car...
This webinar was hosted by Sarah Paterson-Hamlin (UpsideDowns), Zandra Vaccarino (NZDSA) and Fiona Kenworthy (speech and language therapist, Small Tal...
The Sherry Hogan Scholarship Program supported five people with Down syndrome in becoming leaders at the World Down Syndrome Congress 2024. The Congre...
Watch some of the highlights of World Down Syndrome Congress 2024, held in Brisbane in July. Over four days in July, Congress brought together nearly ...
Nuestra presidenta Andrea Zondek junto al equipo de Fundación TACAL, explicaron las modificaciones, etapas y plazos para cumplir con la Ley de Inclus...
Sleep: Inspire Therapy Presented by: Eileen M. Raynor, MD Dr. Raynor will be discussing Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) within the Down syndrome populat...
On the Season 10 premiere of The LowDOWN: A Down Syndrome Podcast, Sarah, Craig, and Lynn Shishido give us the lowdown on telling your child that they...
For Down Syndrome BC’s recent three twenty-one summit, students from DSRF’s Speaking Out class created this video sharing how they practic...
Queremos compartir con ustedes la charla sobre consideraciones oftalmológicas en personas con síndrome de Down, dictada por el Dr. Diego Paredes, of...
Video oficial del programa de Telemundo Caso Cerrado. Annjannette llega a Caso Cerrado para demandar a Karla, ya que asegura que discriminó a Dalila,...
Dr. Paolo Cassano presented at the AutismOne Conference (08.31.23) on Transcranial Photobiomodulation (t-PBM) for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. The fo...
Chantal et sa fille, Marie, porteuse de trisomie 21, ont pris la parole le 22 mars 2024, à l’ONU dans le cadre de la conférence “Achieving H...
On Season 10, Episode 3 of The LowDOWN: A Down Syndrome Podcast, Andrew Gee and Alec Macinas give us the lowdown on their experiences as students with...
La evaluación fonoaudiológica | Webinario...