On the Season 10 finale of The LowDOWN: A Down Syndrome Podcast, Dr. Susan Fawcett and a panel of caregivers give us the lowdown on mental wellness fo...
En aquest capítol parlo de les actituds que infantilitzen a les persones amb Sindrome de Down ( tendencia a tractar-nos com a nens petits)...
I met with Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome (D.A.D.S), a group of fathers who support each other and celebrate their children....
On the Season 10 premiere of The LowDOWN: A Down Syndrome Podcast, Sarah, Craig, and Lynn Shishido give us the lowdown on telling your child that they...
This video for Real Look Autism.com introduces us to an 11-year old boy born with Down syndrome and later diagnosed with autism. See how he is learnin...
We’re on a journey to fundraise a movie inspired by our friend Jay and along the way we’ve met some amazing people. This video series, Sto...
Queremos compartir con ustedes la charla sobre sistemas de comunicación aumentativa alternativa y sus beneficios, que se realizó el 31 de julio del ...
Novaquality Consulting & Colegio de Educación Especial Cambrils tienen el gusto de presentar el video conmemorativo del Día Mundial del Síndrom...
La UNED en TVE-2...
Avui us comparteixo un capítol nou on parlo sobre l’aferrament familiar qué afecte a les persones amb Sindrome de Down. desitjo que us agradi...
El Lic. Alejandro Barizza es Psicólogo clínico especialista en síndrome de Down y familia, y Marcela Fortuna es mamá de un joven con síndrome de ...
The bond between two brothers is always special, but perhaps more so when one has a disability that makes them more vulnerable in society. We meet bro...
Down Syndrome Heart Defects || Our Story & Experience This is my story, from my perspective. I will warn you that this is heavy. I never show any ...
Support Made With Love the movie: https://madewithlovethemovie.com/ Support Matthew Schwab Speaks: https://matthewschwabspeaks.com/ Support GiGi’...
His goal is to make her feel loved, and raise awareness!...