Avui us comparteixo un capítol nou on parlo sobre l’aferrament familiar qué afecte a les persones amb Sindrome de Down.
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Only fill in if you are not human
Andrew Bingham welcomes you to fall and gives you a sneak peek at an exciting new resource coming later this month in the September edition of DSRF Ne...
It’s Run Up for Down Syndrome Eve! Andrew swung by the studio on his way to Swangard Stadium to bring you all the DSRF News for June 2024....
Madeline es una modelo con síndrome de down...
Conferencia del Dr. Fernando Moldenhauer: “Aspectos Médicos en el proceso de envejecimiento en las personas con discapacidad intelectual (Sínd...
THIS IS ME by Sam Downing (UK) was an entry in the first ever Short Film Category in the My Perspective competition 2023....