A photo montage of people with Down’s Syndrome from around the world
Only fill in if you are not human
Ashley said that Nick Rice, who has Down syndrome, is her best friend and that she wanted him to be the one to see her first on her wedding day....
RBP TV DIGITAL. WEBINAR 2/3 Acciones efectivas para la Autonomía de las personas con Síndrome de Down Organizado por: Fundación El Baúl de Pinocho...
To be world-renowned on the fashion, model and entertainment stage is a dream held by many teenage girls. Despite the low odds of anyone making it big...
Linette de Soto hopes to help other parents of children with the condition...
On Season 5, Episode 9 of The LowDOWN: a Down Syndrome Podcast, a panel of siblings tells us what it’s like to grow up with a sister or brother with...