I didn’t know he had Down syndrome, he was just my little brother...
La UNED en TVE-2...
On our journey to fundraise a movie inspired by our friend Jay, we’ve met some amazing people. Stories Made With Love is an attempt to share som...
Maddox has Down Syndrome. She’s 2 years old and is a new big sister! Her mom Jamie not only does special care at home for Maddox, but that is wh...
Mary Faith is a teenager who loves to sing, dance and have fun with her friends. She and her family were very excited for her to go to prom this year....
“Amazing Amy” continues to make more history this week on the golf course....
When I was pregnant with our baby girl Nina, I found out she has Down Syndrome. The day I found out was the hardest day of my life. I cried so hard an...
El Canal Empatic es un proyecto audiovisual que tiene como misión promover los valores de la empatía, la solidaridad y la diversidad, asi como dar a...
Aura Fundació ofereix des de l’any 1989 una atenció personalitzada basada en la capacitat dels participants seguint la metodologia del «treba...
8 de cada 10 persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual, pateixen situacions d’assetjament escolar. Això les converteix, lamentablement, en expertes ...
Nel 1992 l’allora Associazione bambini Down, fondata nel 1979, cambia nome e diventa Associazione Italiana Persone Down. Cambia nome per adeguar...
Fragmento del audiovisual Un Viaje en nuestros mapas, fruto de la residencia artística Espacio Convergente de Chiara Digrandi (2023) (http://www.plen...
Lynn Murray talks to BBC Radio Scotland about Mar Galceran becoming a Parliamentarian in Spain in January 2024. The first person with Down’s syn...
Boy With Down Syndrome Asks Girl With Spina Bifida To Prom...
Con motivo del Día Mundial del Síndrome de Down que se celebra el 21 de marzo, DOWN ESPAÑA lanza la campaña “Los verdaderos influencers”, una ...
Sociedad Peruana de Síndrome Down – Video Insitucional...