Chaya”s Angels: A Spiritual Journey with...

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This video showcases a new book, “Chaya”s Angels: A Spiritual Journey with Down Syndrome” by Chaya Ben Baruch and Elaine Feuer. When Chaya gave birth to her sixth child, a son with Down syndrome, she led her family on a spiritual journey, moving from Alaska to Israel, and adopting more children with special needs, on the way. Whether she’s watching her son with Downs marry her adopted daughter with Downs, or fighting for the rights of all special needs children, life is never dull. Chaya even managed to find time to donate a kidney, leaving everyone to wonder, “What’s next?” There are few people who have Chaya’s combination of character traits: brilliance; bravery; altruism; honesty; and her ability to love, whether it”s her own family or other people’s children. It is our aspiration for the reader to appreciate the uniqueness and joy that Chaya and her husband, Yisroel, have experienced as parents of children with Downs, and to open the hearts of people, across the globe. Ghandi wrote: “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest.” Join Chaya and her family on their enchanting odyssey. The world needs this heart-rending story, more than ever!