Dedicado a todas las personas especiales en el Día Mundial de las personas con Síndrome de Down
Only fill in if you are not human
Out teacher gave us a college project this month to make a TVC on any public service ad. I thought of nothing but a TVC for the awareness of the down ...
The amazing Kitty from Wyecroft Culinary made sock shaped cookies for the people we support to decorate to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day! Another ...
Hoy 21 de Marzo es el día mundial del Síndrome de Down. En Bebé a Bordo queremos contaros una historia única, la historia de @nachitosuperheroe. L...
British Ambassador in the UAE Philip Parham and his daughter Mary invite people to wear odd socks to mark World Down”s Syndrome Day. Did you rem...
For World Down Syndrome Day, we (Kehitysvammaliitto – The Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) asked five amazing...