If you’re a dad and you just learned your child has Down syndrome, this dad has a message for you. #ExtraordinaryHuman #NotSorry 💙 This vide...
The Antenatal Care Pathway for pregnancies affected by Down syndrome – Down Syndrome UK Webinar for Professionals November 2022...
Matt and Azure’s third pregnancy had been uneventful. The couple had been offered prenatal testing for Down syndrome, which is the most common c...
What will the first year of life be like for a baby with Down syndrome? What kind of support and care do they need? What is it like being a sibling of...
Part one of Melanie Mora’s “Paediatric Update” presentation 2011. Mel shares her experience on what it has been like to have Ryan, h...
Mel’s son Ryan was diagnosed post-birth with Down syndrome. Early on, she and her husband put on a brave face and projected positivity because t...
Mel talks about the first 24 hours after receiving the unexpected news that her newborn son Ryan was being tested for Down syndrome...
Hoy te cuento mi experiencia en los inicios de la lactancia materna con mi hijo que tiene síndrome de Down. Si quieres más información, puedes ir a...
We had no idea our daughter would be born with Down syndrome! Today we are sharing a little bit of our diagnosis story, and pieces of this unexpected ...
¿Te preocupa que tu bebé tenga algún problema cromosómico o alguna malformación congénita? ✅Déjame tu pregunta en los comentarios : te r...
Rebecca shares her fertility journey, starting with her 1st pregnancy that ended in miscarriage, then her second pregnancy (which is her living daught...
Hipotonia, escuela para embarazadas, psicoprofilaxis prenatal, estimulacion prenatal...
En el video les muestro imagenes de una paciente de 41 años que me fue referida para un estudio ecográfico por presentar signos compatibles con Sind...
Hoy te cuento cómo fue la llegada al mundo de mi hijo Álvaro y cómo supimos que tenía Síndrome de Down. Nuestro Mundo de Padres...
Hola, Hoy te cuento mi experiencia en la semana 12 de embarazo cuando me dijeron que había riesgo alto de que mi hijo tuviera Síndrome de Down. Y ta...