Vuoi guarnire un dolce? Dalla porta dei saperi di Vulture ecco dei fiori di zucchero.
Only fill in if you are not human
TIPOS DE SÍNDROME DE DOWN 1. No disyunción. Hombre: 47 XY+21 Mujer: 47 XX+21 (95 % de los casos). 2. Translocación. Hombre: 46 XY+21 Mujer: 46 XX+2...
Physical Therapy...
Down Syndrome (Down’s Syndrome), also known as Trisomy 21 is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or p...
I keep saying “ligament laxicity” but its “ligament laxity” haha, my apologies! I am always open to answering questions on my ...
Down syndrome is a genetic chromosome disorder affecting the development of a child’s brain and body. In this video, #MaxExpert discusses about ...