Meet Sarah Shishido, a 15-year-old student who is flourishing with support from the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation.
Only fill in if you are not human
Quando l’amore non ha confini. E’ la storia di Carmelo e Nicole, due ragazzi con la sindrome di Down innamorati che vivono ad Aidone, in S...
Ashely & Will | Heartwarming vows to sister with down-syndrome...
95% of people in Australia choose to terminate their pregnancy upon pre-natal diagnosis of Down Syndrome. Meet two people with the syndrome to learn a...
¡Hola! Me llamo Paola. Soy modelo, ponente y profesora con síndrome de Down. En el vídeo de hoy, os cuento 3 consejos para elegir y combinar bien l...
2024 NDSS Down Syndrome Advocacy Conference...