Empleado con síndrome de Down en el Corte Inglés
Only fill in if you are not human
A day in the life of Jake Pratt, the former Vestavia Hills High School football player with Down syndrome who’s off to a hot start at his new jo...
🔴📡RBP TVDIGITAL 20/10/2023 ※ Experiencias de inclusión Laboral🕵️ #inclusionlaboral #RBPTVDIGITAL #bauldepibocho PRES...
The MDSC is thrilled launch our new public awareness campaign, Your Next Star (, aimed at opening the eyes of employers to the po...
Talk about public speaking and promoting ability awareness of people with Down’s Syndrome....
Un proyecto de ASSIDO y el @aytomurcia para mejorar la empleabilidad de las personas con discapacidad intelectual Preguntamos a los participantes por ...