Our dance fitness class wanted to show our celebration for WDSD21, so we did what we do best…dance 🙂
Only fill in if you are not human
Si un amigo tuyo, un hermano o alguien cercano tuviera un hijo con Síndrome de Down, ¿tú qué le dirías? Capítulo Final de la Serie Documental #E...
Besides a diagnosis of Trisomy 21, my son was born with hearing and vision loss. It is a challenge to get him to connect him to his community (and the...
Celebrating Sophie and World Down Syndrome Day 2019 from the land “down under” #WDSD2019 #WhatMakesMeProud #LeaveNoOneBehind...
#GraciasPorTanto es el lema de la campaña de este #diamundialdelsindromededown Nos unimos a @downespaña para AGRADECER con Ana y por Ana....
Upsideofdown celebrate WDSD almost every year. parents and their children love it...