Inclusion – Inclusion involves the process of systematic reform embodying changes and modifications in mainstream like school, work place, etc to overcome barriers with a vision serving to provide persons with disabilities in general and persons with intellectual disabilities in particular with an equitable and participatory environment that best corresponds to their requirements and preferences. Placing persons with intellectual disabilities within mainstream without accompanying changes does not constitute inclusion. This is the statement prepared by United Nations on Inclusion.
However, all persons with intellectual disabilities may not require any change or modification at work place. Mr. Pranay Burde who is employed with The Leela for over TWELVE YEARS where he or his parents never asked for any change or modification in the existing work environment. Pranay is the best example of INCLUSIVE EMPLOYMENT of person with intellectual disability as he is the lone employee with intellectual disability among the 2000 employees of The Leela.
Pranay Burde at The Leela
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