Flashmob on the #wdsd2019 outside til Norwegian parliament #citizenlikeyou #folksomdeg, by net Norwegian network for downs syndrome.
Only fill in if you are not human
Con motivo del Día Mundial del Síndrome de Down, que se celebra el 21 de marzo, DOWN ESPAÑA lanza la campaña #QueNadaNosSepare con el objet...
Our dance fitness class wanted to show our celebration for WDSD21, so we did what we do best…dance 🙂...
In recognition of World Down Syndrome Day 2019, Camphill Foundation spoke with the Harrington family about the topics of role models and inspiration. ...
In recognition of World Down Syndrome Day 2019, we spoke with the Harrington family about the OPPORTUNITY and CHOICE Matt has found through Camphill c...
Individuals with Down Syndrome have 3 copies of chromosome 21. So, March 21st is the perfect day to celebrate those with Down Syndrome and spread awar...