A video about DSi”s visit to Dhaka, Bangladesh to train facilitators of self-advocacy groups for people with Down syndrome
Only fill in if you are not human
Evento en el edificio de Cosmocaixa de Barcelona donde se eligieron a los ganadores de los planes de pensiones del 2010...
Este video “Trisomía 21 (síndrome de Down): Introducción” es parte del curso “Pediatría” de Lecturio....
Laia, from Aura foundation, had to be this year 2020 at the United Nations headquarters in New York talking about the theme “”We Decide...
De la mano de la gerente de Down Valladolid, Mª Antonia Juan Gamalié, conoceremos el trabajo que DOWN ESPAÑA está realizando en colaboración con ...
A webinar on the importance of employment and other engaging daytime activities for adults with Down syndrome, featuring findings from Project ASPIRE....