« Discrimination starts before birth and...

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« You can try to kill off everyone with Down syndrome by using abortion but you won’t be any closer to a perfect society. You will just be closer to a cruel, heartless one in my opinion. The only way to change society’s view of us is to be part of our community.(…) The UN is against abortions that target female babies because it’s harmful towards women. So, why are they ok with wiping out my future community? (…) If the United Nations is really serious about human rights then they will start to act and condemn eugenics against my community ! »
– Side-event co-organized by Poland, the Philippines, Argentina, Panama, Lithuania and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta with Fondation Jérôme Lejeune for the 37th session of the Human Rights Council and the World Down Syndrome Day 2018 (United Nations, Geneva, 15 march 2018) #WDSD18 –