🤔 ¿No sabes qué es la #síndromededown? Pues yo te lo explico en 40 segundos.
Only fill in if you are not human
En esta oportunidad les muestro un caso con imágenes ecográficas típicas de un feto portador de una Trisomía 21 (Síndrome de Down) referido a mi ...
The star of the reality show, “Born This Way,” Megan Bomgaars talks about her journey through life as she breaks down barriers while living with D...
Physical Therapy: Down Syndrome Exercises || This is Our PHYSICAL THERAPY ROUTINE!! Since the pandemic started we have had to work very closely online...
We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guided by physiotherapist Alexandra W...