🤔 ¿No sabes qué es la #síndromededown? Pues yo te lo explico en 40 segundos.
Only fill in if you are not human
Estudios sobre síndrome de Down...
Conoce la historia de Alexis Gael Colchado Urbina...
10 bebés, 10 noticias, 10 testimonios, por un futuro mejor! “”Mi primera Noticia”” http://miprimeranoticiafundowncaribe.weebl...
Part one of Melanie Mora’s “Paediatric Update” presentation 2011. Mel shares her experience on what it has been like to have Ryan, h...
Here Sam talks you through his #DayInTheLife at Brighton i360. From serving customer, to going on flights, he’s well and truly reaching new heig...