9 out of 10 British women now terminate their pregnancies when they receive a positive Prenatal Genetic Testing diagnosis for Down syndrome. In this d...
Hop over to app.sophya.ai to take time-stamped notes with this video and get automated review documents!...
Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel. In this video I will be discussing the possibility that one of my twins has Down Syndrome. I will also be di...
A number of mothers of children born with Down Syndrome say they were put under repeated pressure to terminate their pregnancy from doctors. AMA Presi...
¿Acabas de recibir un diagnóstico que cambia todo? En este video comparto mi experiencia y las técnicas que pueden ayudarte a superar momentos desa...
7° Webinar formativo del progetto AIPD “Non uno di meno”: “Abilitazione e riabilitazione per i bambini e gli adulti con sindrome di...
La dott.ssa Valentini ci spiega quali sono le cause della Sindrome di Down. Per saperne di più: http://www.ospedalebambinogesu.it/sin…...
Ne parliamo con Maurizio Podestà, specialista in Ginecologia e Ostetricia e Responsabile SSD Ostetricia e Diagnostica Prenatale Asl3...
Explicacion de forma divertida a niños pequeños ¿Qué es el síndrome de Down?...
Today’s video is such a special one for us! It was so nice to be able to ask my parents these questions and share their responses with you. We h...
The very existence of children who were born with Down syndrome is threatened as never before. The latest non-invasive tests during pregnancy mean par...
Nota: Marisa Meternicht Lic. en Kinesiología y Fisioterapia, M.P. 118 Tema: Síndrome de Down diagnóstico...
En la clase de hoy explicaremos las manifestaciones clínicas y los métodos de diagnóstico del sínfrome de down....
Agradecemos la confianza de esta familia que permitió al Dr. Carlos Monsalve mostrarnos su Screening del primer trimestre 💑 📺 ὄ...
En esta oportunidad les muestro un caso con imágenes ecográficas típicas de un feto portador de una Trisomía 21 (Síndrome de Down) referido a mi ...
La Dra. Daniela Castro, pediatra de Clínica Universidad de los Andes, nos cuenta cómo es tener un hijo con Síndrome de Down en Chile, en el día de...