Tristan Snapp is reopening his tasty Tampa business, Tristan’s Amazing Bites, after closing due to coronavirus....
Broadcast on 01/07/2016 Thomas Cullen, a 20-year-old man with Down’s Syndrome, had been struggling to get a job for over four years, before he d...
Actress and mother to a child with Downs syndrome, Sally Phillips explores the scientific breakthrough of a new test that predicts Downs syndrome in 9...
Vídeo tutorial per aprendre a ballar la coreografia de la cançó Jo soc com tu 2024. Una cançó composada per Sara Roy. Coreografia: Dansinvitro De...
The word yoga means literally means “UNION” or “TO MERGE”. More than a set of physical postures or exercises, Sadhguru defines...
On the Season 9 finale of The LowDOWN: A Down Syndrome Podcast, Hina Mahmood gives us the lowdown on trouble shooting sleep problems. Episode Webpage:...
Hoy Jorge se ha recuperado de una resaca épica tras la emocionante final de Eurovisión y ha decidido salir a las calles para conocer la opinión de ...
Recibimos a Melany Wersocky, Lic. en Terapia Ocupacional y Coordinadora del Programa de Vida Independiente. Hablamos acerca de la experiencia del viaj...
DSRF News with Andrew Bingham: May 2024...
Amber has Down’s Syndrome and is about to start primary school with her twin sister, Olivia. ‘Amber & Me’ follows the challenges for...
This freestyle rap was created by DSRF student Shadow in celebration of World Down Syndrome Day 2024. (mild content warning)...
On the Season 9 premiere of The LowDOWN: A Down Syndrome Podcast, Cassidy Fraser and Rebecca Reich, along with their teacher Lizzie Carolan, give us t...
14 visualizaciones 24 mar 2024 Our stereotypes about people with Down syndrome can lead us to underestimate, exclude, discriminate and limit them. By ...
Os nossos estereótipos sobre as pessoas com síndrome de Down podem levar-nos a subestimá-las, excluí-las, discriminá-las e limitá-las. Ao elimin...
Ets tu qui et sorprens! / You’re the one who’s surprised! A pesar de los progresos en la inclusión, la sociedad todavía se sorprende por...
Quan fa 30 anys, la Glòria Canals va viatjar als ✈️Estats Units i va veure que hi havia fundacions que treballaven perquè les persones...