Down Syndrome Heart Defects || Our...

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Down Syndrome Heart Defects || Our Story & Experience

This is my story, from my perspective.
I will warn you that this is heavy. I never show any graphic images, or go into detail on any specifics, however it is a road that a lot of mom have to go down and I felt like I needed to share my story.

I only hope to encourage parents, that despite imperfections, despite mistakes there is a testimony of children that overcome obstacles such as these. Throughout God’s hand is guiding and manipulating every piece of the puzzle.

There is hope.

Let’s be there for each as we hope to encourage and support families that are about to experience this, who are fearful, and who have had a difficult experience.

Feel free to leave a comment below:
Your positive experience with your child’s surgery and the testimony
How your child thrives after surgery
Your need for support and prayer and you prepare for this experience
Bible Verses to encourage Parents