Incontro del 8 Aprile 2017, Giacomo Mazzariol presenta il libro “”MIO FRATELLO INSEGUE I DINOSAURI”” edito da Einaudi, al Giardino delle Idee
Only fill in if you are not human
Meet Mencap Myth buster Ellie Goldstein! She is smashing the myth that people with a learning disability can’t be successful fashion models!...
La tele de ASSIDO...
2° Webinar formativo del progetto AIPD “Non uno di meno”: “Riforma del Terzo Settore con un nuovo ruolo e valore dell’associazion...
Don’t Let Anyone Tell You...
Living in Kaikoura with his parents has been great for 23-year-old Rufus Henry, but he is ready to spread his wings and follow in his siblings’ foot...