Terapia física
Only fill in if you are not human
Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition. One in every 691 babies in the United States is born with Down syndrome. A common ...
When an expectant parent is told their child has Down syndrome, the worry they have for their unborn baby is compounded. They’re given little (if an...
La coordinadora de la Red Nacional de Vida Adula y Envejecimiento, Nagore Nieto, explica qué es la Escuela de Familias y los asuntos que se van a tra...
Aquí conocerá la manera correcta de alimentar a tu pequeño ¡Manos a la obra!...
Tutorial 08 – 6-9 months. We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guide...