“”Chronicle”” – A Look at Life...

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When we got the call from Channel 5″s “Chronicle” that they wanted to do a show about how the lives of people with Down syndrome had changed for the better in recent decades, we were, for obvious reasons, thrilled. And when producer Amy Masters and a videographer came to our Burlington office shortly thereafter to film a Self-Advocate Advisory Council meeting, and interview our executive director and self-advocate Melissa Reilly, we thought they were on the right track. When they shadowed MDSC Advocacy Specialist John Anton at his job at the State House, and met with our own Dr. Brian Skotko, Melanie and Gracie Perkins McLaughlin, and Lauren and Lucy Falcone, we knew they would have everything they needed for a comprehensive piece.

Still, as is the case with news stories, you never know exactly how it”s going to turn out its broadcast. But as you will see for yourself, Channel 5″s coverage was pitch perfect. They reported the sensitive topic of advancements in prenatal testing with dignity and professionalism. The timing couldn”t have been better, too, coming right on the heels of a huge legislative success – the signing of the prenatal bill – that had been two years in the making. Thanks to everyone who stepped up and participated.