Down Syndrome International presents the Global Video Event ”LET US IN – I WANT TO LEARN!” in partnership with 68 countries for World Down Syndrome Day 2012.
Only fill in if you are not human
Juan es un niño que nació con Síndrome de Down. Él es bondadoso y risueño, le gusta bailar y jugar. Cada logro de Juan es una alegría para su fa...
“”Every person with disabilities is entitled to work, equally with others”” — UN Convention on the Rights of Persons wit...
Quest’anno in occasione della Giornata Nazionale delle Persone con la Sindrome di Down, affrontiamo il tema degli stereotipi in chiave ironica e pro...
L” amor ocupa un lloc molt gran en la vida humana❤️. L”amor ens fa més lliures, més forts. De l”amor se”n deri...
Belén Rial is the person in charge of receiving all the visits at the General Secretariat of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education,...