World Down Syndrome Day 2015
Only fill in if you are not human
This latest project by the Wouldn”t Change a Thing Down”s Syndrome awareness organisation attempts to visualise the road less travelled by...
Ariel Buonofiglio y Cecilia Páez son parte de ASDRA y hablaron en Imagen Positiva con Paloma Bokser acerca del momento en que se enteraron que su hij...
The first ever vocational training center for people with down syndrome in Mongolia. This is a pilot project in order to fulfill Down Syndrome Associa...
Our dance fitness class wanted to show our celebration for WDSD21, so we did what we do best…dance 🙂...
#GraciasPorTanto es el lema de la campaña de este #diamundialdelsindromededown Nos unimos a @downespaña para AGRADECER con Ana y por Ana....