Vídeo de comunicación de la II Jornada de la LigaGenuine que tendrá lugar del 19 al 21 de enero de 2018.
Only fill in if you are not human
What will you do for #ChalLenge50? Click below for some more ideas.
A cheerleader with Down syndrome, whose reaction to making the team went viral, gets a huge surprise from some of her cheer heroes. CNN’s Kyra P...
Els futbolistes del Nàstic participants van defensar l’escut gaudint de la practica del futbol i compartint un cap de setmana inoblidable amb entre...
Medallista en las Olimpiadas Especiales de la República Dominicana...
Sara is a young gymnast who faces more challenges than most as she has down syndrome. Because of her condition she can struggle with coordination, mus...