Hablamos con Adriana Tassotti, fundadora de Loros Parlantes, acerca de sus comienzos y cómo sus experiencias impactan a los jóvenes con síndrome de Down y sus familias
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The very existence of children who were born with Down syndrome is threatened as never before. The latest non-invasive tests during pregnancy mean par...
Es posible ser bilingüe teniendo síndrome de Down. Mi hija, Valentina Guerrero (@BraveWarriorVG) habla clara y fluidamente en inglés y español. Si...
Down Syndrome or Trisomy-21 is one of the most common cognitive disorders worldwide, affecting one in 1000-1100 live births, according to WHO. Imagine...
Members of the Our Voice network reflect on the past year and share their resolutions for 2024....
Amanda Mason, Miss NY 2013 and GiGi’s Playhouse...