The star of the reality show, “Born This Way,” Megan Bomgaars talks about her journey through life as she breaks down barriers while living with Down syndrome.
Only fill in if you are not human
Tutorial 08 – 6-9 months. We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guide...
Down Syndrome Regression Disorder (DSRD) is a rare neurocognitive disorder where otherwise healthy individuals with Down syndrome develop insomnia, ca...
8 de cada 10 persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual, pateixen situacions d’assetjament escolar. Això les converteix, lamentablement, en expertes ...
Why is it GOOD to include individuals with Down Syndrome in the work place? As an advocate for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities...
Marcos Chicot...