On Season 2, Episode 9 of The LowDOWN: A Down Syndrome Podcast, Andrea Lee gives us the lowdown on Down syndrome and sexuality.
Only fill in if you are not human
Carina demonstrates the ASL signs for Good, Bad, Milk, Cracker, Fruit, Meat, Snack, Chips, Cheese, Some, and That.
Presentazione del documentario “”Diritto ai diritti”” presso la Nuova Aula dei Gruppi parlamentari della Camera dei Deputati i...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Tamara Taggart is an award-winning Anchor for CTV News at Si...
De la mano de la gerente de Down Valladolid, Mª Antonia Juan Gamalié, conoceremos el trabajo que DOWN ESPAÑA está realizando en colaboración con ...
Controversy is swirling around a junior high cheerleading squad in Utah after a 14-year-old girl with down syndrome was not pictured in the group phot...