Documental sobre participación social en la edad adulta
Only fill in if you are not human
In individuals with Down syndrome, there is an aging-like phenotype known as senescence. Hiruy Meharena, Ph.D., UC San Diego, discusses how this impac...
De la mano de la gerente de Down Valladolid, Mª Antonia Juan Gamalié, conoceremos el trabajo que DOWN ESPAÑA está realizando en colaboración con ...
The DSi National Representatives with Down Syndrome ran a webinar as part of the World Down Syndrome Day celebrations. The webinars were designed and ...
Teresa Bermejo, bióloga, periodista y divulgadora científica de Federación de Asociaciones de Celíacos de España, explica los puntos clave sobre ...
New fetal stem cell research is demonstrating that it is not only the presence of #21 chromosome, but also what the genes are missing, that may impede...