Tutorial 08 – 6-9 months. We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guide...
Tutorial 09 – over 12 months We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers gu...
Tutorial 10 – older than 12 months. We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and todd...
Tutorial 11 – older than 12 months. We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and todd...
Tutorial 12 – older than 12 months We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddl...
This video follows Ellen, a 2-year-old girl with Down syndrome, during a pediatric physical therapy session. Her physical therapist, Jill Smith, narra...
This is our morning routine with Adaline. We have PT every three weeks, and OT once a week, so we do some at home therapy every morning!...
Tutorial 05 – 6-9 months We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guided...
Tutorial 01 – 0-3 months We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guided...
We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guided by physiotherapist Alexandra W...
Tutorial 03 – 9-12 months We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guide...
Tutorial 04 – 9-12 months We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guide...
Tutorial 06 – 6-9 months We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guided...
Tutorial 07 – 9-12 months. We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guid...
Lic. María Eugenia Rossi, Coordinadora de Equipo de Estimulación Temprana y Lic. Sabrina Meijide, instructora en masaje infantil dictaron taller par...
Matt & Jodi”s twin girls Abigail and Isobel were diagnosed with Down”s Syndrome at birth. The NHS will soon offer a prenatal test for...